Unbound Deathlord: Challenge Page 6
5 fire damage received
HP: 49 / 110
The veteran fell dead on the ground, the back of its leather armor had been destroyed and his flesh was deeply burnt, impregnating the air with a repulsive smell. The skeleton had hit the veteran!
Before the skeleton's head, another flame was forming. The other elite had recovered both a spear and metal shield and was back beside his elite brother.
This fight was taking way too long. I tried to put one of the elites between me and the skeleton and thrust the spear at the one I had attacked with a sword, knowing it would be blocked by the shield, but willing to deal even a little extra damage.
They fought back and were a lot faster than the normal ghouls, but I still could dodge them. Most of the attacks grazed my leather armor but didn't do any real damage.
I focused my attacks on their legs, happy for the extra range of the spear and when the first ghoul finally fell I had only received two damage. A health bar became visible above the other elite's head.
HP: 56 / 161 <?>
Just as the ghoul fell and I got healed by one HP, a big ball of fire flew at me. I was becoming mentally tired and didn't even expect this obvious thing to happen. All I could do was raise my shield and block again.
40 fire + 4 burn damage received (44 total)
HP: 3 / 110
This time instead of flying all the way to the other room, I just lost my balance and fell to the ground. The fire burnt my eyebrows and I smelled burnt flesh once again. My shield shattered and my arm hurt badly. Three HP and thirty-five stamina left.
Getting up I saw that the ghoul had also taken damage. It now had forty-nine HP and had fallen on the ground. I ran to it and thrust my spear into its head. The spearhead penetrated and killed the creature in another critical hit. One more HP healed and two skeletons to go.
The skeleton laughed loudly. It seemed pleased about being an indirect responsible for the elite ghouls' deaths. I wondered if it had been on purpose. Was it an ally? Another ball forming before its head told me the answer was no.
Once more I tried throwing a spear at it. It did hit the skeleton but again failed to disrupt the spell-casting. Desperate, I took the pipe on my belt and also threw it.
As the ball of fire left its place before the skeleton's head, the pipe got in its way, making it explode just before the skeleton's face. The pipe flew back missing my head by a hair and clinking far away. The skeleton was also blown away.
I ran to it, getting a metal spear on the way and passing in front of the open door full speed ahead. Getting to the skeleton, I used the spear as a kind of club. The creature was on the ground, had no means of defense and couldn't attack with fire nor whip.
7 blunt damage dealt to Third Eyed Skeleton
The spear was not meant to be used as a club and it didn't do as much damage. I knew I would die. I had twenty-five stamina left and I doubted the skeleton would be destroyed in five more attacks. Still, I would fight it to the death.
One, two, three attacks. The spear felt extremely heavy in my hands. Four. All my power was needed to move it.
Status effect received: Exhaustion
For the next 4 minutes, 59 seconds, you:
» Can barely move
I dropped the spear and fell belly-first on the ground next to the skeleton. My nose hit the floor and became a bloody mess, and I received one more damage. I had trouble breathing and my body refused to move. With a lot of effort I put my belly up. I would die facing the damn thing.
Everything seemed to move slowly and blurred. The torturer got up. It looked at the spear on the ground and picked it up. It looked at me. It laughed again.
What happened next was hard for my mind to register. One moment the skeleton was before me. The next, it's head flew away and a massive black fist replaced it. Only when the dark energy left the falling bones and found me did I understand what had happened: the skeleton had died.
An exclamation point appeared and I focused on it.
Strength increased to 3 (+1)
After a lot of fights, you learn to hit harder.
Agility increased to 4 (+1)
Barely dodging the elite ghoul guards' spears and dodging/blocking fireballs show your reflexes are better than you thought.
Dexterity increased to 4 (+1)
You have demonstrated to stronger enemies that you know how to hit them. Their corpses shall remember the lesson for eternity.
Constitution increased to 4 (+2)
Fighting against multiple enemies, walking crouched everywhere, fighting to almost death against elite and veteran enemies and becoming exhausted makes your body more used to the constant abuse you put it through.
» HP: 145 (+35)
» Stamina: 140 (+20)
Intelligence increased to 4 (+1)
Purposefully blocking firebombs to help killing stronger enemies reveals either a suicidal mind or a true tactician.
» MP: 145 (+20)
Willpower increased to 4 (+1)
You have the will of giants. You know no fear. You are willing enough to fight to death if need be.
» Stamina: 145 (+5)
Level up!
Current level: 3
HP, MP and stamina restored
The fatigue and agony left my body and my vision came back to normal as the refreshing level-up sensation enveloped me. I looked at the fist's owner.
He was a huge man. His skin was coal black and his eyes were like those of cats, vertical yellow slits shining in the darkness of the corridor – the torch had blown away at some point. The man's hair was shaved like the other prisoners' had been. He was massive, with huge muscles that made him look like a successful bodybuilder.
He was only wearing underwear, his body almost as injured as the suspended dead bodies had been. He extended his hand with two missing fingers to me. "From all the things Ilhonya could have sent me," he said with a deep voice, "an undead is most unexpected."
I took his hand and got up, almost too afraid that the illusion would dissolve. A grateful prisoner. I had to be dreaming. "Well, here I am. And we've no time to talk. Take whatever you want and let's go." I started to undress a elite ghoul as I said that. "How did you escape your cell anyway?"
It became clear this was indeed a dream when the man obeyed without question, immediately undressing the other elite ghoul. "They had just unlocked my feet when you began the fight. These moving bones are no match even for my legs alone. But I admit I was not as fearless as you in my youth."
"Thanks," I smiled. "I'm Jack, by the way. Jack Thorn."
"I am Gannor Bunen. Nice to meet you. You are the first deathlord I ever said these words to with sincerity."
"Met your fair share of deathlords, did you?"
He didn't reply, and I didn't care.
We finished getting the equipment from the ghouls. The leather armor and pants were worse than the torturer's, but the chain shirt and pants were good. So was the shield.
Medium Iron Kite Shield
» Resistance: 75%
Weak-linked Copper Chain Shirt
» +10 defense
Weak-linked Copper Chain Pants
» +9 defense
I also quickly searched for hidden pockets on the corpses clothes and found two new shining keys, one small and one medium sized, fifty-seven silver coins and thirteen copper.
Besides the spear I held on my hand, I also put the sword and pipe I had brought on my belt and we left the place after confirming no one else was in the other cells. I had already spent twenty minutes of the half hour timeline and we almost ran back to the A-6 cell.
I noticed two new exclamation point buttons with a 'Q' letter on the way, but I chose to postpone checking on them; the armored woman could come back at any moment.
It was impossible to tell whose eyes popped more when we entered the cell: the elf's or the big man's.
"By Ilhonya! Alia!" Gannor threw himself on the ground and took the woman
in his arms.
"Gannor Bunen?" Said the elf incredulously.
"Alright people, you all know and love each other. Let's get the hell outta here."
Gannor stood up carrying the sleeping woman and the elf got to his feet with difficulty. I helped him, leaving all the extra clothes in the cell with a tightness in my chest, but still taking the extra swords with me.
We found no one on the way out and right after I helped them leave the prison, I decided to check the exclamation points.
Quest completed: Save the prisoner from cell A-6
Random primary attribute point received:
» +1 agility
Hidden quest completed: Save the prisoner from cell C-1
Random attribute point received:
» +1 willpower
Stamina: 150 (+5)
Bonus for completing a hidden quest:
» +1 intelligence
MP: 170 (+25)
Hidden quest completed: Save the prisoner from cell S-2
Random attribute points received:
» +1 agility
» +1 dexterity
» +1 perception
» +1 intelligence
MP: 200 (+30)
Random attribute point received for reuniting him and Alia:
» +1 willpower
Stamina: 155 (+5)
Bonus for completing a hidden quest:
» +1 intelligence
MP: 235 (+35)
Level up!
Current level: 4
HP, MP and stamina restored
It had been easy to get from level two to level four. It seemed that the stronger the enemies I fought, the more my attribute levels raised. And that completing quests was the best way to level up attributes.
I checked the other two buttons.
Skill is now level 2!
» Visibility level: heavily clouded afternoon
New skill unlocked at The Lack of Light skill-tree
Darkball (level 1)
First you learn to see in the dark. Then, you learn to see darkness itself. And to harness it. And to send it flying.
» Active Spell
» Cost: 5 MP
» Amassing time: 0.5 second
» Element: Darkness
» Damage: 18 (15 + 3 [Intelligence])
Skill-trees were, as the name suggested, trees of skills, growing from the roots and sprouting branches. In this case, I had started with seeing in the dark and now a new skill in the tree had become available to me: darkball. As I met the requirements, I'd unlock new skills in the skill-tree.
The spell was not that powerful, but it was still on level one.
I checked the other exclamation point.
Kill to Survive
Skill is now level 2!
» Heals: 2% + 0.2% [Deathlord] of dealt damage
» Minimum healing: 2
» Minimum dealt damage needed: 18 (19 - 1 [Deathlord])
New skill unlocked on Death is a Lifestyle skill-tree
Deathball (level 1)
After continuous observation and absorption you have learned enough about the mysteries of death magic to amass it from all the small vermin and lower life forms dying around you and project it in any direction you like.
» Active Spell
» Cost: 15 MP
» Amassing time: 3 second
» Element: Death
» Damage: 58 (50 + 5 [Deathlord] + 3 [Intelligence])
I was happy as hell. I finally could use real spells!
Now that I had already saved the prisoners and guaranteed my attribute points, I couldn't stand the idea of leaving the extra clothes in the prison cell. I had almost no money and who knew how much they might be worth?
On the other hand, I looked at my fellow escapees: a healer elf, a badass fighter and an ambassador. They would surely be grateful, right? I hadn't received any specific quests to get them to their home, but hidden quests were a reality in this game and I looked forward to my possible rewards.
"Thank you," Gannor said, "for helping me and my wife." The elf's eyes widened so much they almost popped out of his head. "Sadly, I have nothing to give you, not here in the Underworld. We will run for the Surface now. You are welcome to come with us."
Quest: Escape the Underworld
F- rank
Gannor Bunen has offered you a way out of the Underworld.
It might be a unique opportunity to leave it.
I gulped. That would be amazing! I could even get something expensive for rescuing the ambassador!
"Unfortunately," he kept talking, "I have no way of helping you with the sun. Unless you have a way of surviving..." He didn't finish the sentence.
No! So close! I looked hopefully at the elf, but he just shook his head. My hope was crushed. "I have no way to do that," I said and a 'quest refused' text appeared in my message log.
"It's unfortunate. Fight well." He nodded once at the elf and left. Just like that. No reward, no promises. And here was I thinking he was a pleasant fella.
"Do not resent Bunen, deathlord," the elf said as I watched my potential pile of gold leave in the black man's arms. "A few years ago he would've killed you and eaten your body after you rescued him. For him to be married to a Soman princess... Only the Mother can explain it."
And she was a princess, too. Great. Thanks a lot, game. "I guess it's better to live in the darkness of the Underworld than in the darkness of his stomach. So, what are you doing?" I tried to sound conversational.
He looked sympathetic at me. "I have friends I can reach in these Mother forsaken lands, but I'm afraid they would never take me in if I got to them with you by my side. I'm sorry." He did sound sorry. Didn't make me any less upset.
"Yeah, figures."
He extended his hand to me. "But I am not ungrateful for what you did for me. I am Leothril Etheranol. If you ever leave the Underworld, come to the Forest of Tranquility and I will repay your kindness."
Quest: Meet Leothril at the Forest of Tranquility
A rank
You helped Leothril Etheranol escape the deathlords' prison.
He told you to meet him in his homeland to receive a reward.
Shaking hands with him, I realized I hadn't told him my name yet. "I am Jack Thorn. I'll find you as soon as I figure how to walk under the sun without dying. See you soon."
"Live well, Jack Thorn. May the Mother watch over you." He went after Gannor.
So, a poor alone guy yet again. With fate deciding my path for me, I went for a quick grab and run for the extra clothes. Even if they ended up being worth little money, it was still money.
I mean, it wasn't as if the prison boss and the armored woman, who were still somewhere in the prison, would just appear in front of me.
Right, game?
Jack Thorn
Unbound Deathlord
Level 4
Hit Points:145 / 145
Mana Points:235 / 235
Stamina:155 / 155
Gold Digger:1
4. Magic 101
'Don't gamble. Unless you've rigged the game.'
- Father
"Darkball, I choose you!" Nothing happened. "Go, darkball!" Still nothing. "Darkball!"
All my tries amounted to nothing. I was inside the prison, in the cell where I had found the elf and had left my loot.
I had tried, I had done everything I could, I had mustered all the power in my guts, everything I was, to stop myself from trying to learn how magic worked before leaving.
But, hell, it was magic!
A fair share of fantasy games had found
their way to me in my lifetime. Not a pro by any means, I was still an informed amateur. I had played games where I had to chant spells to use magic. Those were boring and lame. I had also played games where mages were so powerful that they could create a meteor shower just by snapping their fingers.
And I was too damn curious to see how magic in Valia worked.
Curiosity killed the cat, I had repeated to myself to no avail. And so I was trying to cast magic.
Problem is, there were no manuals on how to use the spells. If they were supposed to be chanted I would not be able to use them unless I found a magic school somewhere.
Frustration defined me. The skill description also didn't help:
'First you learn to see in the dark. Then, you learn to see darkness itself. And to harness it. And to send it flying.'
I couldn't see 'darkness itself' no matter how much I tried. I could see shadows and I could determine that some places did lack light. Well, I couldn't actually see real 'lack of light' anywhere because of my darkvision skill, but I knew it was there.
Death magic was also eluding me.
'After continuous observation and absorption you have learned enough about the mysteries of death magic to amass it from the small vermin and lower life forms dying around you and project it in any direction you like.'
Killing spiders and other small animals everywhere hadn't helped. The translucent black energy that left my enemies to heal me didn't even appear. Perhaps they had less than eighteen HP, which was the minimum amount of damage I had to deal to an enemy for the skill to work, or perhaps the energy was invisible and just became visible when it healed me.